Collaborative seminar of scientific groups of ITMO and OSU within V-th All-Russian Congress of Young Scientists

As part of the V-th All-Russian Congress of Young Scientists colleagues from the Department of Computer Photonics and Digital Video Processing (PhD N.B. Margaryants, PhD M.V. Volkov) ITMO University on 4.13.16  together with the delegations of OSU (Biomedical photinic instrumentation group scientific-educational center "Biomedical Engineering") was proposed and conducted seminar on "Current issues of bioengineering: a non-invasive optical methods for the study of microcirculation". The seminar was attended by a well-known expert in the field of Lymphology - Professor of the Department of Physiology of the Medical Faculty of St. Petersburg State University, MD N. P. Erofeev.


The following presentations were made by the Representatives of the SEC "Biomedical Engineering" of OSU :

- A.V. Dunaev "Scientific-Educational Center "Biomedical Engineering" - the priority directions in the field of human research of the microcirculatory bed. Apparatus, methods and results";
- E.A. Zherebtsov "The hardware and software implementation of digital laser Doppler flowmeter";
- E.V. Zharkih "Analysis of the level of perfusion, and the NADH/FAD coenzymes content in the diagnosis of the functional state of microcirculatory-tissue systems of the lower limbs in patients with diabetes";
- M.A. Filina "Analysis of blood flow modulation parameter changes under thermal tests on the feet of patients with diabetes";
- M.A. Karavaev "Analysis of spectral curves decomposition methods in the study of endogenous fluorescence of biological tissues".


At the end of the reports a master class on the joint application of laser Doppler flowmetry (LDF) and digital capillaroscopy methods in the study of human reactions of microcirculatory bed to various physiological tests was held, the latest scientific research developments of scientific staff were demonstrated. The consultations were held with the professor, MD N. P. Erofeev. A high potential of the planned cooperation of SEC "Biomedical Engineering" and chair of Department of Computer Photonics and Digital Video Processing of ITMO University was marked.


В рамках V-ого Всероссийского конгресса молодых ученых коллегами с кафедры компьютерной фотоники и видеоинформатики (к.т.н. Н.Б. Маргарянц, к.т.н. М.В. Волков) университета ИТМО был предложен и проведён 13.04.16 совместный с делегацией из ОГУ (лаборатория биомедицинской фотоники научно-образовательного центра «Биомедицинская инженерия») семинар на тему «Актуальные вопросы биоинженерии: оптические методы неинвазивного исследования микроциркуляции». В работе семинара принял участие известный специалист в области лимфологии – профессор кафедры физиологии медицинского факультета Санкт-Петербургского государственного университета, д.м.н. Н.П. Ерофеев.