Scientific seminar with the colleagues from Smolensk State Medical University

On the 4th of June 2016 a collaborative seminar was held with the colleagues from the scientific research laboratory "Diagnostic researches and miniinvasive technologies" of Smolensk State Medical University – Prof., MD A.V. Borsukov and T.G. Morozova. The seminar was also attended by the representatives of the Medical Institute of Orel State University named after I.S. Turgenev - Director, Prof., MD I.A. Snimschikova, Deputy Director, Prof., MD M.A. Khalilov and assistant professor of surgery and general anesthesia, a surgeon of the surgical department of the Oryol Regional Clinical Hospital, MD A.V. Mamoshin.


In order to find common topics for collaborative research projects two reports on developing scientific fields of SEC "Biomedical Engineering" and the Department of "Chemistry and Biotechnology" (Supervisor - Prof. Dr. E.A. Kuznetsova and Associate Professor, Dr. A.Y. Vinokourov were presented and discussed:


  1. "Opportunities for research of microcirculatory–tissue systems of the human body. using optical non-invasive diagnostic methods" (speaker - leading researcher of SEC BMI, Associate Professor, PhD Dunaev A.V.);
  2. "Liposomal forms of contrast agents for ultrasound diagnostics" (speaker – an undergraduate of the Department of "Chemistry and Biotechnology" Stelmashchuk O.A.).





According to results of the seminar the schedule of  the follow-up activities was planned to consolidate the overall efforts to conduct collaborative research and application for grants.