Megagrant research during the visit of the leading scientist

Last year, the research group from Orel State University won the Federal Government megagrant aimed at the implementation of the project "Mitochondria as a Target in the Mechanism of Neurodegenerative Diseases", (the 3rd place among the universities and research institutes participated). Funds were used to establish the Сell Physiology and Pathology Laboratory to study neurodegenerative processes in cells. Despite all the difficulties associated with the coronavirus pandemic, the laboratory was opened, state-of-the-art equipment was received, including one of the most powerful confocal microscopes in Russia Carl Zeiss LSM 900 Airyscan 2. Research is being conducted and the results are published in highly rated journals.

October 1-22, 2020, Prof. Andrey Abramov (leading scientist from UCL Queen Square Institute of Neurology, UK) was working in the laboratory. During this period, the laboratory staff conducted a series of experiments under his supervision to complete a number of project tasks. The results were discussed at weekly seminars in the new conference hall named after Dr. V.I. Turbin.




The report by Elena Litinskaya (“Pulse” program) on the results of these studies was broadcasted by "Russia 24. Orel" channel.