Ksenia Kandurova
1. Education and degrees awarded:
- MSc in Biomedical Engineering, Orel State University, Orel, Russia (2020).
- BSc in Biomedical Engineering, Orel State University, Orel, Russia (2018).
2. Current position:
- 2017-present, Research Assistant, Orel State University, Research and Development Center of Biomedical Photonics, Orel, Russia.
- 2020-present, Junior researcher, Orel State University, Cell Physiology and Pathology Laboratory, Orel, Russia.
3. Teaching experience:
- 2020-present: Teaching practical classes (Orel State University, Orel, Russia): “Physical principles of biomedical photonics”.
4. Other education and training, qualifications and skills:
- Modern approaches to the processing and presentation of measurement results through uncertainty in scientific research, industrial control and metrology (Orel State University, Orel, Russia, 2022).
- Design and implementation of educational programs using information and communication technologies in the e-learning environment (Orel State University, Orel, Russia, 2021).
- Confocal laser scanning microscopy in the practice of preclinical medicine research (Orel State University, Orel, Russia, 2021).
- Fundamentals of commercializing research results and designing a business plan for a project (Ural Federal University, Yekaterinburg, 2019)
- The basics of working in LATEX (Orel State University, Orel, Russia, 2018).
- Technology entrepreneurship (Orel State University, Orel, Russia, 2018)
5. Top publications:
- E. Potapova, E. Zherebtsov, K. Kandurova, A. Palalov, V. Dremin, A. Dunaev, Endofluorescence Imaging of Murine Hepatocellular Carcinoma Cell Culture by Fluorescence Lifetime Microscopy with Modulated CMOS Camera, Journal of Biomedical Photonics & Engineering, 2022, Vol.8, No.1, P. 010303.
- Zherebtsov E.A., Potapova E.V., Mamoshin A.V., Shupletsov V.V., Kandurova K.Y., Dremin V.V., Abramov A.Y., Dunaev A.V. Fluorescence lifetime needle optical biopsy discriminates hepatocellular carcinoma, Biomedical Optics Express, 2(13) 633 (2022).
- Zherebtsov E., Zajnulina M., Kandurova K., Potapova E., Dremin V., Mamoshin A., Sokolovski S., Dunaev A., Rafailov E.U. Machine Learning Aided Photonic Diagnostic System for Minimally Invasive Optically Guided Surgery in the Hepatoduodenal Area, Diagnostics, 10(11), E873 (2020).
- Dremin V., Potapova E., Zherebtsov E., Kandurova K., Shupletsov V., Alekseyev A., Mamoshin A., Dunaev A. Optical percutaneous needle biopsy of the liver: a pilot animal and clinical study, Scientific Reports, 10, 14200 (2020).
- Kandurova K., Potapova E., Zherebtsov E., Dremin V., Seryogina E., Vinokurov A., Mamoshin A., Borsukov A., Ivanov Yu., Dunaev A. Testing a Fine-Needle Optical Probe for Recording Changes in the Fluorescence of Coenzymes of Cellular Respiration //Optics and Spectroscopy. – 2020. – Т. 128. – №. 6. – С. 742-751.
- Shupletsov V., Kandurova K., Dremin V., Potapova E., Apanaykin M, Legchenko U., Dunaev A. Fluorescence Imaging System for Biological Tissues Diagnosis: Phantom and Animal Studies, Journal of Biomedical Photonics & Engineering, 2020, 6(1)
- K. Kandurova, V. Dremin, E. Zherebtsov, E. Potapova, A. Alyanov, A. Mamoshin, Y. Ivanov, A. Borsukov, A. Dunaev, Fiber-Optic System for Intraoperative Study of Abdominal Organs during Minimally Invasive Surgical Interventions, Appl. Sci. 9(2), 217 (2019).