Participation in Young scientist Chinese-Russian Optics & Photonics Symposium “CROPS 2017”

November 27 – December 6, 2017, the Young scientist Chinese-Russian Optics & Photonics Symposium CROPS 2017 was held at ITMO University, St. Petersburg. The delegation of Research and Development Center of Biomedical Photonics, consisting of Director of the Center, Andrey Dunaev, post-graduate student Igor Kozlov, master student Elena Zharkikh (sub direction "Biomedical photonics and electronics" of direction 12.04.04 "Biotechnical systems and technologies") and bachelors Ksenia Kandurova and Evgeniya Seryogina, took part in the work and co-organization of the symposium.


Andrey Dunaev made invited lecture "Optical non-invasive technologies for study hemodynamics and metabolic activity of human tissues", presenting the results of the center's work in the framework of the flagship university strategic project. Participants of the delegation presented the following reports and took part in the contest for the best student report:

– K. Kandurova “Application and possibilities of fluorescence spectroscopy method for intraoperative analysis of abdominal cavity organs tissues  during minimally invasive interventions”;

– E. Zharkikh “Laser Doppler flowmetry and spectroscopy methods in assessment  of microvascular and metabolic complications in diabetes”;

– I. Kozlov “Simultaneous assessment of blood flow rhythmic oscillation  by using of laser Doppler flowmetry and videocapillaroscopy  methods”;

– E. Seryogina “Assessment of the influence of different concentrations of zinc on the brain biochemical processes in rat model”.

As a result of competition committee work, the report of Ksenia Kandurova was awarded the best oral report. Competitive commission and participants of the symposium were interested in all submitted works.

A working session of Student Chapters officers of the international optics and photonics societies (SPIE, OSA, IEEE) was organized. Elena Zharkikh, the vice-president of our university SPIE Student Chapter, made a report about achievements and activities carried out by our Chapter for the past year from the moment of opening.

The participants visited the leading scientific laboratories of ITMO University (international laboratory "Solution Chemistry of Advanced Materials and Technologies", Terahertz Biomedicine laboratory) and the divisions aimed at attracting young people to scientific and technological activities (Technopark FabLab, Open Laboratory of Ideas, Methodology and Practice OLIMP). The visits were organized to Tydex company, which produces optical components and devices for science and industry, as well as Almazov National Medical Research Center. The symposium participants met with photonics industry business representatives, such as I-Ray (China) and Fibertool (Russia).

As a co-organizer of the symposium, our team organized a master class "Experimental measurements of the blood microcirculation system", where the main aspects of the laser Doppler flowmetry application in medical practice were demonstrated. The master class was conducted on an experimental setup developed by the employees of Research and Development Center of Biomedical Photonics in the framework of the flagship university strategic project. The demonstration was held with the direct participation of our center’s collaborators from ITMO University M.V. Volkov and N.B. Margaryants, who demonstrated the possibility of determining the rate of capillary blood flow using high-speed video capillaroscopy. The presented master class aroused the interest of participants; the possibilities of further cooperation were discussed.

Congratulations to our colleague and the whole delegation on successful participation in the symposium!