Lubov Eratova
1. Education:
- 2020-present: student in the specialty 12.03.04 "Biotechnical systems and technologies"
2. Other education and training, qualifications and skills:
- Microbiological control in biotechnological production, Orel State University, Orel, Russia (2021)
- Modern approaches to the processing and presentation of measurement results through uncertainty in scientific research, industrial control and metrological activities, Orel State University, Orel, Russia (2022).
- Fundamentals of cell research in vitro and ex vivo, Orel, Russia (2022).
- Основы проведения доклинических биомедицинских исследований (Орловский государственный университет, Орёл, 2023)
3. Current position:
- 2021-present, Laboratory assistant, Orel State University, Research and Development Center of Biomedical Photonics, Orel, Russia.
- 2022 – present, Laboratory assistant, Orel State University, Cell Physiology and Pathology Laboratory, Orel, Russia.
4. Previous work experience:
5. Teaching experience:
6. Publications: