Vadim Prizemin

1. Education:

2019-present: student in the specialty 12.03.01 "Engineering".

2. Other education and training, qualifications and skills:

Automated design of printed circuit boards and blocks Orel State University, Orel, Russia (2022).

Modern approaches to the processing and presentation of measurement results through uncertainty in scientific research, production control and metrological activities Orel State University, Orel, Russia (2022).

3. Current position:

2022-present, Laboratory assistant, Orel State University, Research and Development Center of Biomedical Photonics, Orel, Russia.

 4. Previous work experience:


5. Teaching experience:


6. Publications:

Ksenia Kandurova, Nadezhda Golubova, Vadim Prizemin, Dmitry Sumin, Nikita Adamenkov, Vladimir Shabalin, Andrian Mamoshin, Elena Potapova,"The application of the multimodal approach for studying optical properties of bile in obstructive jaundice," Proc. SPIE 12147, Tissue Optics and PhotonicsII, 121470N (19 May 2022); doi: 10.1117/12.2621289

К.Ю. Кандурова, Н.В. Голубова, В.Н. Приземин, Д.С. Сумин, Н.А. Адаменков, В.В. Шабалин, А.В. Мамошин, Е.В. Потапова. Оптические исследования проб желчи пациентов с синдромом механической желтухи.15 Международная научная конференция «Физика и радиоэлектроника в медицине и экологии – ФРЭМЭ’2022», 28-30 июня, Доклады, Книга 1, 71-75 (2022).