I. Makovik, A. Vinokurov, A. Dunaev, E. Rafailov, V. Dremin , Efficiency of direct photoinduced generation of singlet oxygen at different wavelengths, power density and exposure time of laser irradiation, Analyst, 148, 3559 (2023).


 E.O. Bryanskaya, V.V. Dremin, V.V. Shupletsov, A.V. Kornaev, M.Yu. Kirillin, A.V. Bakotina, D.N. Panchenkov, K.V. Podmasteryev, V.G. Artyushenko, A.V. Dunaev, Erratum to “Digital diaphanoscopy of maxillary sinus pathologies supported by machine learning”, Journal of Biophotonics, e202300469 (2023).


 E.O. Bryanskaya, A.Y. Vinokurov, A.I. Dolgikh, A.V. Dunaev, P.R. Angelova, A.Y. Abramov, High levels of FAD autofluorescence indicate pathology preceding cell death, Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - General Subjects, 1868(1), 130520 (2023)


  Bryanskaya, E.O., Dunaev, A.V. A Method and Device for Digital Diaphanoscopy for the Diagnosis of MS Pathologies. Biomed Eng (2023).


 E.A. Zherebtsov, E.V. Zharkikh, Y.I. Loktionova, A.A. Zherebtsova, V.V. Sidorov, E.U. Rafailov, A.V. Dunaev, Wireless Dynamic Light Scattering Sensors Detect Microvascular Changes Associated With Ageing and Diabetes, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 70(11), 3073-3081 (2023)


 E.V. Zharkikh, V.V. Dremin, A.V. Dunaev, Sampling volume assessment for wearable multimodal optical diagnostic device, Journal of Biophotonics, 16(9), e202300139 (2023)


 K.Y. Kandurova, D.S. Sumin, A.V. Mamoshin, E.V. Potapova, Deconvolution of the fluorescence spectra measured through a needle probe to assess the functional state of the liver. Lasers in Surgery and Medicine, 55(7), 690–701(2023).


  E.O. Bryanskaya, V.V. Dremin, V.V. Shupletsov, A.V. Kornaev, M.Yu. Kirillin, A.V. Bakotina, D.N. Panchenkov, K.V. Podmasteryev, V.G. Artyushenko, A.V. Dunaev, Digital diaphanoscopy of maxillary sinus pathologies supported by machine learnin , Journal of Biophotonics, 16(9), e202300138 (2023)


N. Golubova, E. Potapova, E. Seryogina, V. Dremin, Time–frequency analysis of laser speckle contrast for transcranial assessment of cerebral blood flow, Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, 85, 104969 (2023)


V. Dremin, Lesion Detection and Analysis Using Optical Imaging. Diagnostics, 13(9), 1565 (2023)


  A. Dunaev, Wearable Devices for Multimodal Optical Diagnostics of Microcirculatory-Tissue Systems: Application Experience in the Clinic and Space, Journal of Biomedical Photonics & Engineering 9(2), 1-10 (2023)


  N. Esteras, T. S. Blacker, E. A. Zherebtsov, O. A. Stelmashchuk, Y. Zhang, W. C. Wigley, M. R. Duchen, A. T. Dinkova-Kostova, A. Y. Abramov, Nrf2 regulates glucose uptake and metabolism in neurons and astrocytes, Redox Biology102672, 62 (2023)


 E.Potapova, N. Polenov, K. Zakuraeva, V. Krutikova, M. Yarmolinskaya, and I.Kogan, Intraoperative Optical Diagnostics of Uterine Microcirculation during Myomectomy, Journal of Biomedical Photonics & Engineering 9(1), 1-7 (2023)


A. V. Dunaev, E. V. Potapova, Yu. I. Loktionova, E. O. Bryanskaya, K. Yu. Kandurova, and I. N. Novikova, Biomedical Photonics Methods in Solving Diagnostic Tasks, Biomedical Engineering 56(5), 332–336 (2023).


V.A. Khotina, A.Y. Vinokurov, M. Bagheri Ekta, V.N. Sukhorukov, A.N. Orekhov  Creation of Mitochondrial Disease Models Using Mitochondrial DNA Editing, Biomedicines, 11 (2), 532 (2023).


 V. Dremin, O. Semyachkina-Glushkovskaya, E.Rafailov, Direct laser-induced singlet oxygen in biological systems: application from in vitro to in vivo, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, 29(4), 720011 (2023)


A. Y. Vinokurov, V. O. Soldatov, E. S. Seregina, A. I. Dolgikh,P.A. Tagunov, A. V. Dunaev, M. Y. Skorkina, A. V. Deykin, A. Y. Abramov HPRT1 Defciency Induces Alteration of Mitochondrial Energy Metabolism in the Brain, Molecular Neurobiology (2023)


 E. V. Zharkikh, Yu. I. Loktionova, A. A. Fedorovich, A. Y. Gorshkov and A. V. Dunaev, Assessment of Blood Microcirculation Changes after COVID-19 Using Wearable Laser Doppler Flowmetry,  Diagnostics 13(5), (2023)



Vinokurov A., Seryogina E., Kamynina A., Abramov A. Selective activation of RAGE in neurons and astrocytes increase ROS production in NADPH oxidase // Free Radical Biology and Medicine, V. 208, Supplement 1, S37-S38 (2023)


  V. Shupletsov, I. Gorunov, M. Sergienko, I. Zhurilo, E. Potapova, V. Dremin, Infantile hemangiomas evaluation based on hyperspectral imaging // Proc. SPIE 12627, 2023, 126272F


 I. Novikova, A. Vinokurov, L. Eratova, E. Rafailov, V. Dremin, Detection of laser-induced singlet oxygen: current approaches and challenges// Proc. SPIE 12627, 2023, 1262717


 N. Golubova, E. Potapova, E. Seryogina, V. Dremin, Wavelet analysis of laser speckle contrast reveals new feature space for transcranial assessment of cerebral blood flow // Proc. SPIE 12627, 2023, 1262711


 A.I. Dolgikh, E.O. Bryanskaya, A.Yu. Vinokurov, A.V. Dunaev, Determination of the physiological state of cells by differences in FAD fluorescence intensity // Proc. SPIE 12627, 2023, 126272L


 Yu.I. Loktionova, A.V. Frolov, E.V. Zharkikh, V.V. Sidorov, A.V. Tankanag, A.V. Dunaev, Investigation of relationship between parameters of blood microcirculation and gas analysis during hypo- and hyperventilation breathing yoga exercises // Proc. SPIE 12627, 2023, 1262730


 E. Zharkikh, Yu. Loktionova, A. Fedorovich, A. Gorshkov, A. Dunaev, Changes in blood flow oscillations associated with COVID-19 as measured by wearable laser Doppler flowmetry // Proc. SPIE 12627, 2023, 12627