All-Russian Startup-tour-2016

The 24th and 25th of March 2016 in the city of Tula took place the regional stage of the All-Russian startup tour 2016, a platform for searching, developing and supporting of the promising start-ups working in the sphere of high technologies. More than 500 participants from 18 subjects of the Russian Federation submitted to the competition about 200 projects.

Participation in the 11th international specialized exhibition "Photonics. World of Lasers and Optics - 2016 "

 Employees of the laboratory of biomedical photonics Scientific-Educational Center "Biomedical Engineering" (Dremin V.V., Zherebtsov E.A., Dunaev A.V.) participated in the 11th international specialized exhibition "Photonics. World of Lasers and Optics - 2016" (Moscow, "Expocentre").

New articles in international publishing houses

2 articles of our team have been published in international publishing houses, indexed in Scopus and Web of Science databases:

«Changes in autofluorescence based organoid model of muscle invasive urinary bladder cancer» in one of the leading peer-reviewed journals in the field of biomedical optics «Biomedical Optics Express» and an article on the results of the International Congress SPIE «Photonics West. BiOS» (13-18 февраля 2016, Сан-Франциско, США) - «The blood perfusion and NADH/FAD content combined analysis in patients with diabetes foot».

Successful viva of PhD thesis

Congratulations to our colleague Zherebtsova Angelina Ivanovna with a successful viva of PhD thesis entitled "Method and device to diagnosis functional stateof upper limbs peripheral vessels" on the specialty 05.11.17 "Devices, systems, and products of medical purpose".

Scientific seminar and joint experiments with a colleague from the ITMO-University

In the framework of cooperation on 20 and 21 February 2016 laboratory of biomedical photonics of Scientific-Educational Center "Biomedical Engineering" was visited by PhD, lecturer in computing photonics and videoinformatics of ITMO-University N.B. Margaryants.

An article in the peer-reviewed journal «Journal of Biomedical Optics»

Representatives of scientific laboratory of biomedical photonics (Dremin V.V.Dunaev A.V.) of our scientific-educational center in collaboration with british colleagues from Aston University  (Birmingham) published an article «Computational model of bladder tissue based on its measured optical properties» in the journal «Journal of Biomedical Optics». 

Russian science day

On February 8, the Day of Russian science. Our country is rightfully proud by generations of outstanding scientists, leading researchers whose discoveries have made a significant contribution to the world scientific heritage.

Presentation of the results of scientific research at MSU at the VI All-Russian School-conference on the physiology of blood circulation

2-3 February 2016 PhD student of the department “Testing, Metrology and Certification”, a research engineer Makovik Irina participated in the VI All-Russian school-conference with international participation on the circulatory physiology, held at the Faculty of Basic Medicine, Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov.

Final All-Russian competition of technology startups “Young Innovator of the Year”

December 19 at Technopolis “Moscow” hosted the annual event for the authors of innovative projects and young scientists of Russia, “Russian Innovation Convention” in which took place the finals of All-Russian competition of technology startups “Young Innovator of the Year”.

The victory in the regional competition “The best scientific research work of young scientists – 2015”

Employees of our scientific-educational center Dremin V.V. and Makovik I.N. became the winners of the regional competition “The best scientific research work of young scientists – 2015”.


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