New articles in international publishing houses
2 articles of our team have been published in international publishing houses, indexed in Scopus and Web of Science databases.
Leading researcher of laboratory Dunaev A.V. with british colleagues from the University of Dundee (Dundee, Scotland) and Aston University (Birmingham, England) published an article «Changes in autofluorescence based organoid model of muscle invasive urinary bladder cancer» in one of the leading peer-reviewed journals in the field of biomedical optics «Biomedical Optics Express» (impact factor 3,648).
Laboratory staff (Dremin V.V., Makovik I.N., Zherebtsova A.I., Zherebtsov E.A., Dunaev A.V.), together with colleagues from the SPE "LAZMA" and CITO named after N.N. Priorov (Moscow), as well as with british colleagues from Aston University (Birmingham), took part in the International Congress of SPIE «Photonics West. BiOS» (13-18 February 2016, San Francisco, USA), which resulted in a joint article «The blood perfusion and NADH/FAD content combined analysis in patients with diabetes foot» published.