The annual Scientific-practical seminar "Korndorf Readings – 2019"

November 8, 2019 the annual Scientific-practical seminar "Korndorf Readings – 2019" was held in Orel State University. This seminar is dedicated to one of the outstanding scientists of our University, Professor, PhD, Dr Sergey F. Korndorf (1918-2012), who created scientific school of electrical methods of nondestructive testing, photoelectric devices and measurement methods, including methods and tools for biomedical research.

This year the seminar’s topic was "The modern lasers in diagnostics and therapy: the current state of technologies and its practical application". Presented reports covered modern studies of low-intensity laser radiation application in diagnosis and therapy, as well as the new laser therapeutic and diagnostic equipment was presented.

The employees and students of R&D Center of Biomedical Photonics  (leading researcher – Andrey Dunaev; 1st year PhD student, trainee researcher – Dmitry Stavtsev, 4th year undergraduate student – Nadezhda Golubova) had their talks dedicated to basic scientific directions of our Center. The study on assessing changes in blood microcirculation caused by the influence of low-intensity laser radiation using laser Doppler flowmetry (LDF) and videocapillaroscopy methods was presented.

Guests of the seminar – Anastasia Ledyaeva and Pavel Komar (employees of  Volgograd State Medical University, Russia) made presentations on the evaluation of changes in blood flow state in the teens during the day and analyzing the effect of laser therapy on injuries healing in laboratory animals.

The representative of the company "RIKTAMED" (Moscow) Vladimir Dmitriev performed an interactive demonstration of modern therapeutic laser equipment and told about the company's latest developments.

The event was co-organized by R&D Center of Biomedical Photonics, Student Chapter of SPIE (Orel State University Student Chapter) and the company "RIKTAMED".